Το MobiliseSME είναι ένα έργο που ξεκίνησε η Ε.Ε. (EURES, EASI). Στόχος του είναι να βοηθήσει στην ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων και ικανοτήτων του προσωπικού εταιρειών (υπαλλήλους, διευθυντές και ιδιοκτήτες ή συνιδιοκτήτες) υποστηρίζοντας βραχυπρόθεσμες διασυνοριακές αποσπάσεις.
Με βάση το επιτυχημένο πιλοτικό πρόγραμμα “MobiliseSME” (VS/2015/0354) που υλοποιήθηκε μεταξύ 2015 και 2017 από το European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME, αυτό το πρόγραμμα στοχεύει να υποστηρίξει άτομα που βρίσκονται ήδη σε μια θέση εργασίας και επιθυμούν να βιώσουν τη διασυνοριακή κινητικότητα σε άλλη εταιρεία για περιορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα διατηρώντας παράλληλα τη συμβατική σχέση με τον εργοδότη τους.
Ποιος μπορεί να συμμετέχει;
Αιτούντες (ΜΜΕ)
Αιτούντες είναι Μικρές και Μεσαίες Επιχειρήσεις (ΜΜΕ). Μπορούν να υποβάλουν αίτηση στο πρόγραμμα κάνοντας εγγραφή της εταιρείας στην πλατφόρμα Matchmaking (ταίριασμα) ή επικοινωνώντας με οποιοδήποτε από τα τοπικά σημεία πληροφόρησης που αντιπροσωπεύουν το πρόγραμμα στην επικράτειά τους.
Συμμετέχοντες (εργαζόμενοι, διευθυντές και συνιδιοκτήτες)
Οι συμμετέχοντες είναι το προσωπικό που ανήκει στους αιτούντες (ΜΜΕ). Συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα MobiliseSME. Ο όρος συμμετέχων καλύπτει προσωπικό / υπαλλήλους, διευθυντές και ιδιοκτήτες ή συνιδιοκτήτες ΜΜΕ.
Πώς να συμμετέχετε;
Επικοινωνήστε με το Σημείο Τοπικής Πληροφόρησης.
Εγγραφείτε στην πλατφόρμα Matchmaking και βρείτε έναν συνεργάτη.
Εργαστείτε στο έγγραφο μάθησης MobiliseSME.
Ετοιμος να φύγω!
Kick off meeting of MobiliseSME
Last 5th of October, the 12 partners of the new Mobility Exchange programme for SME staff (MobiliseSME) held an online meeting due to the current COVID circumstances. This is the first time the whole consortium meets in order to agree on the first steps of the new second pilot project launched by the European Programme of Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). Some of the first discussions covered topics such as the main rules: who can participate, under which circumstances and the working documents that the main target group (Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs) should work on, etc. In that regard, one […]
MobiliseSME supporting the exchange of ideas in rural tourism
Let’s introduce a new collaboration between European SMEs! Salvatore Greco, from Sikanamente, and Yoselin Chicasaca, from AIE International Business, have decided to work together in the field of rural tourism in Sicily (Italy) for 3 months, in the framework of the MobiliseSME programme. Who are our protagonists? What are they seeking by participating in MobiliseSME? Yoselin Chacasaca is the CEO of AIE International Business, focused on the digital transformation advice related to online marketing, tourism and development of entrepreneurship projects, with high experience in the rural and cultural sector. Yoselin provides services to other companies in business management and […]
Supporting SMEs in the transition to online training with MobiliseSME
We welcome another secondment! This time it is about two companies that, thanks to MobiliseSME, are collaborating in the development of online training materials. Who are our protagonists? Carlos Gil, Iván Carnota and Mariana Figueira have decided to participate in the MobiliseSME programme for 6 months in Coimbra (Portugal). Carlos has a degree in Law and a degree in Legal Sciences of Public Administrations, as well as a solid background in European Affairs. Meanwhile, Iván holds a degree in Law and a master’s degree in European Law. Both are co-funders of Yepso!, a micro-enterprise in the education and training sector […]
Interviewing Turiart – Spanish SME in the tourism sector
Here we bring you the interview that we conducted with Marta Templado, owner of Turiart – an SME based in Valencia (Spain), regarding her collaboration, from March to May 2021, with Claudio Cristofori, owner of Jabalito & Karma (Bolonia, Italy): – Tell us a bit about your company (services, sector, and projects) and your professional path. I am the owner of Turiart, which is a travel agency and a small private company based in València, that offers cultural, family and agricultural tourism services in the Valencian Community for more than 20 years. – Why did you decide to participate in MobiliseSME? […]
Are you ready for hybrid work?
Do you feel that you and the SME you work for or manage are prepared to work in a hybrid way? Have the changes brought about by the pandemic in your work environment altered the way you work? Do you feel that you have adapted optimally to these changes? Would you like to continue teleworking several days a week? Or are you more of a daily office worker? Whatever your answer, EURES has published an article on how companies and their employees can adapt to this new hybrid work model, which -it seems- is here to stay. According to a […]
New SME collaboration in Energy Management through MobiliseSME
Discover the story of these two European SMEs that are collaborating in the energy management sector through MobiliseSME. Who are the protagonists of this successful story? Luka Gabrić, owner of the Croatian micro company Domino Ltd., decided to participate in MobiliseSME programme as Sending Company to collaborate for 6 months with the Host Company FTN IDEEA Ltd., represented by Filip Kulić. What does it mean for them to participate in MobiliseSME? The main idea of this collaboration is to improve practical knowledge in the field of energy management. Luka is the owner of Domino Ltd., specialized in energy management, so for him this secondment […]
Fractioned stays: how MobiliseSME adapts to your needs
Last June, we introduced you to the collaboration between Gonzalo Palenzuela, Spanish freelancer and owner of Silentium Piano, and Queen’s Pianos, an SME from Belgium specialised in importing pianos. Both companies expected to have acquired enough knowledge to complete the restoration of a total of 20 grand pianos, and learnt new techniques on mechanics of pianos, the installation of silence systems, keyboards, as well as the regulation and intonation process to optimize the sound qualities of instruments. And what has happened to this collaboration? Well, they have taken advantage of a remarkable feature of the MobiliseSME programme: the fractioned stays. Fragmented secondments […]
Get inspired: Two SMEs in rural tourism share their experience about their participation in MobiliseSME
Recently, we had the opportunity to interview two SMEs dedicated to rural tourism, which are taking part in MobiliseSME: Salvatore Greco, from Sikanamente, and Yoselin Chicasaca, from AIE International Business. Previously, we already told you in one of our posts about how these two SMEs are collaborating throughout their participation in the MobiliseSME programme. Read on and find out all the details about their collaboration: Yoselin, can you tell us a bit about your SME and your professional path? Why did you decide to participate in MobiliseSME? How did you find out about the programme? I studied international trade and […]
«MobiliseSME has turned a great opportunity to improve services and enlarge personal relationships with other CEOs»
Do you remember the very first MobiliseSME secondment? To refresh your memory, you can read one of our previous posts about the first joint collaboration between SMEs in the framework of the MobiliseSME programme. This time we want to share with you the interview we had with Claudio Cristofori, owner of Jabalito & Karma, an SME based in Bolonia (Italy) regarding his participation in MobiliseSME from October 2020 to January 2021, period during which he has been collaborating as a Host Company with Marta Templado, owner of Turiart (València, Spain): – Tell us a bit about your company and your […]
How can microenterprises benefit from participating in MobiliseSME?
MobiliseSME is the first mobility programme specifically designed for SME staff whose main purpose is to encourage the internationalization of SMEs (including microenterprises) in the EU and improve their competitiveness. Elena Zala and Philip Rossen have decided to start their collaboration through MobiliseSME for 6 months in Kolding (Denmark). Who are the protagonists of this successful story? Elena Zala is the founder of Zala Elena PFA, a Romanian microenterprise founded in 2018. Elena is a constant learner, connector, and facilitator of influential projects, with immense experience in copywriting, SEO, email marketing, social media management, market research, and PR. She is a […]
How can the IT and logistics sectors create synergies through MobiliseSME?
Vladimir Rajičić from Belgrade (Serbia) and Jordi Arribas del Peral have decided to start their collaboration through the MobiliseSME programme for 6 months in Barcelona (Spain). Today we share with you a short story about their collaboration and reveal how they are progressing so far! Who are the protagonists? Vladimir Rajičić is the director of PR Home Expert, a microenterprise founded in 2019. He is a passionate web developer, web designer and webmaster specialised in WordPress and Joomla Content Management Systems, who joined MobiliseSME as a Sending Company. Jordi Arribas del Peral is the director of Leadmee, a platform founded […]
Boosting audiovisuals, sustainability and tourism with MobiliseSME
Christian Battiferro & Alberto Pla are two professionals from the audiovisual sector, who started collaborating through the MobiliseSME programme at the beginning of May 2021. Christian has travelled from Italy to Spain to partner up with Alberto, and they are currently working together in València. They decided to join their forces during this uncertain time in the audiovisual industry, and are taking this opportunity to develop their projects, each bringing their own expertise to the table. Who are our protagonists and what are their objectives? Christian is a filmmaker and director from Coopspettacolo.it, a cooperative operating in the field of entertainment, show and multimedia which wants to collaborate with a Spanish partner who is […]
New collaboration in MobiliseSME: restoring pianos from Spain to Belgium
It is time to introduce you to a new collaboration between European SMEs in the framework of the MobiliseSME programme: Gonzalo Palenzuela, Spanish freelancer and owner of Silentium Piano, has decided to participate in MobiliseSME as Sending Company (SC) to collaborate for 3 months with Queen’s Pianos, a Host Company (HC) from Belgium and specialised in importing pianos. What are they seeking by participating in MobiliseSME? Gonzalo is a self-employed worker specialised in piano maintenance and restoration. For him, this collaboration primarily means expanding his client portfolio and being able to offer high quality services not only in his country […]
EU Digital COVID Certificate: safer movements in the EU
In one of our previous posts, we explained that there are tools such as Re-open EU that are very useful for labour mobility within the EU in times of coronavirus. Recently, the European Commission has approved a new system that will make it possible to provide health information in a simple and secure way, and which will allow for better mobility management in the context of the current health crisis. What is the EU Digital COVID Certificate? It is a digital certificate that will facilitate safe free movement of citizens in the European Union during the COVID-19 pandemic. It […]
COVID rules and restrictions – MobiliseSME
Due to the exceptional circumstances caused by COVID-19, the MobiliseSME programme has decided to provide as much information as possible to secure all secondments and mobilities. In that regard, Mobilise SME will not define any new travel restrictions in addition to those that already exist at national level. Participants need to follow national advice and consult the website of their respective national ministries (Ministry of Health and/or Ministry of Foreign Affairs…), for up-to-date travel restrictions. In addition, participants need to make sure they have a valid medical insurance, whatever their destination, in accordance to the programme rules. For more information […]
COVID rules and restrictions
Due to the exceptional circumstances caused by COVID19, the programme MobiliseSME has decided to provide as much information as possible so to secure all secondments and mobilities. In that regard, the Mobilise SME project will not define any new travel restrictions in addition to those that already exist at national level. Participants need to follow national advice and consult the website of their respective national ministries (Ministry of Health and/or Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.) for up-to-date travel restriction. In addition, participants need to make sure they have a valid medical insurance, whatever their destination, in accordance to the programme […]
A successful collaboration in times of coronavirus I
The first secondment carried out under the Mobilise SME programme involves two companies: one from Spain and the other from Italy. The working relationship between our participants began in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Both are taking advantage of the current situation in the tourism sector to create new synergies, collaborations and projects for the “post-COVID” stage, thanks to their participation in the Mobilise SME programme, which gives them the opportunity to continue growing professionally.
MobiliseSME Programme Launch Event
SAVE THE DATE! 10th March 2021 Webinar on “Boost your business in the EU: internationalization and capacity building for SMEs”. On March 10th from 9:15 am to 10:15 am (CET), the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg and Fundación Equipo Humano will organize a webinar on “Boost your business in the EU: internationalization and capacity building for SMEs”, as the launch event of the MobiliseSME Programme. ABOUT THE PROGRAMME MobiliseSME is a business mobility pilot programme that seeks to strengthen European SMEs’ skills and capacities development, by supporting short-term cross-border secondments for their staff. This programme follows an […]
Evento de Lanzamiento del programa MobiliseSME
LE ESPERAMOS El 10 de marzo de 2021 Webinar “Impulse su negocio en la UE: internacionalización y desarrollo de capacidades para PYMES”. El 10 de marzo, de 9:15h a 10:15h (CET), la Cámara Oficial de Comercio de España en Bélgica y Luxemburgo y Fundación Equipo Humano llevarán a cabo el webinar “Impulse su negocio en la UE: internacionalización y desarrollo de capacidades para PYMES“, como evento de lanzamiento del programa MobiliseSME. SOBRE EL PROGRAMA MobiliseSME es un programa piloto de movilidad empresarial que pretende reforzar el desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades de las PYMEs europeas, mediante el apoyo a desplazamientos […]
Press Release: MobiliseSME – New EU Mobility Programme for SMEs
The 10th of March 2021 was a key date in the consolidation of the European Single Market. On that day, the official launch event of the MobiliseSME Programme –a new European business mobility programme for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises– took place. What is MobiliseSME? Funded by the EURES Axis of the European Commission’s EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), MobiliseSME is the first mobility programme specifically designed for SMEs. Based on a successful pilot project implemented between 2015 and 2017, the programme fosters international collaborations between European SMEs by funding employee secondments in another European country. Thus, the […]
MobiliseSME programme: did you miss the webinar?
On March 10th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg and Fundación Equipo Humano, held the webinar “Boost your business in the EU: internationalization and capacity building for SMES”, as the launch event of the MobiliseSME programme. If you missed the webinar, check the Launch Event Press release of MobiliseSME for more details. You can also find other materials in the following links: – Video of the full session of the webinar. – Presentation used during the event, by Mr Crispin Waymouth of the DG GROW, and another presentation about the MobiliseSME programme. – Results of surveys at the end of the webinar. 70% of attendees recommend […]
A successful collaboration in times of coronavirus II
We continue sharing with you some of the interesting activities that the first participants in MobiliseSME programme, Marta Templado (Turiart) & Claudio Cristofori (Jabalito & Karma Viaggi), have carried out over the last few months. Activity highlights A1- Meeting with the Deputy Mayor of the City of Bologna and delivering the MobiliseSME programme brochure to the City Council. The City of Bologna is very interested in the programme and has asked for a proposal to be approved before the end of the year. In the same way, Valencia’s City Council is also interested in collaborating. It should be noted […]
Working hand in hand with the cybersecurity industry
On 6 May, Fundación Equipo Humano (FEH) attended an online event organised by the AEI cluster on Cybersecurity and Advanced Technologies to present MobiliseSME, as a partner and co-leader of the programme. During the event, FEH participated in a working group comprising companies in the cybersecurity sector from all over Spain, but especially from the region of Castilla y León. The working group discussed various local, regional and national initiatives that promote training and talent retention in companies. MobiliseSME can help the development of competences, skills and knowledge in the cybersecurity sector, through training stays in other EU companies. In […]
SMEs in the wine sector partnering thanks to MobiliseSME
Beata Vlnková & Rudi Verhoest are the owners of two companies in the wine business sector, who started collaborating through the MobiliseSME programme at the end of March 2021. Beata has travelled from Slovakia to Belgium to partner up with Rudi during 6 months. They have joined forces to develop their projects, each bringing their own expertise to the table. Although it is not easy during the current situation, their collaboration is bringing out the best in both. Who are our protagonists and What are their objectives? Beata is the President of the Association of Sommeliers of the Slovak Republic and […]
Stay tuned about what will happen after MobiliseSME!
As MobiliseSME’s latest edition concluded after an impactful 32 months (from August 2020 to March 2023), the resounding success echoes through the collaborations of over 560 companies, creating a thriving network across the European Union. Thus, more than 790 companies have become part of this expansive network, with over 560 actively participating in international collaborations, joint projects and training initiatives. As a result, we have gathered 30 inspiring experiences that show the transformative impact of cross-border collaborations, which you can discover through the MobiliseSME Success Stories Booklet. Looking ahead to new horizons Although the latest edition of MobiliseSME is no […]
Καλώς ήλθατε στην πλατφόρμα Matchmaking του MobiliseSME
Εάν είστε νέος αιτών που επιθυμεί να κάνει εγγραφή για μια νέα ΜΜΕ ή επιχείρηση, κάντε κλικ στο “Έναρξη αίτησης”. Εάν έχετε ήδη εγγραφεί, κάντε κλικ στο “Σύνδεση”.
Κάντε κλικ στο «Οδηγός Εγγραφής MobiliseSME» για έναν αναλυτικό οδηγό σχετικά με τον τρόπο εγγραφής στην πλατφόρμα.
Μπορείτε επίσης να κάνετε κλικ στον “Οδηγό MobiliseSME” για να μάθετε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τον τρόπο συμμετοχής στο πρόγραμμα. Παρακάτω θα βρείτε πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις απαιτήσεις για τους συμμετέχοντες.